Sunday, 23 October 2011

Granddaughter Ella and OSLs new camera

                                      Help....its half term again. 5 days without peace.
                                      Today little Ella came for a walk along the old railway line.
                                       OSL has a new camera and was anxious to show off

                                       This is Ella Mae.........5 going on 15yrs....what a poser

This is me....14 weeks old and getting a real handful. Well that's what they say about me. I think
I'm lovely, just a little boisterous.

I love walking down here every morning. I used to get to run on the field next door until the farmer let the cows in. I just love that brown stuff that the cows leave on the floor. OSL and mum don't agree. They say it makes me smell like sh**.....what's that?

OSL wants to show off some of his first pics with the new camera. What a cheek, on my blog

                                                         Bye for Max


  1. Hello Max and hello to pretty little Ella, all dressed up snug for the cold. Well done OSL on your pictures with your new camera, you certainly have your hands full with the pair of them.
    Just one other comment, when will you be posting a Power Station? You must have one sort of "near by"? Nice to see your Blog.

  2. Hi Max great to see you back again. That Ella is certainly a little poser and Trev will say" at least she's looking at the camera". Doh.
    Tell OSL his camera is working fine and if he dont post pictures on here regular it will seize up lol.
    Love the one of you it's so cute, sorry Max being a male that dont sound right. Anyway keep out of that brown stuff otherwise Chris will give you a bath.XX

  3. Yo Max Mate!

    Love the pictures, you are certainly growing up quickly, looking all big and bold and chasing the children as well. Be careful though, unless they are cooked properly they can be a bit chewy!

    By the way, that cow poo is just super, it makes you look like you have a sun tan all down your back and it helps you fur to curl! The only draw back is that you normally end up with a wet and soapy bath when you get home!

    See you soon.

    Luv, Daisy & Holly

  4. Awww Max .... Ella is so pretty and that is a great picture of her ... between you and me tho .... I just ADORE the picture of YOU best sssshhhh don't tell ..... Hugs and cuddles from the Missus xxxx

  5. Yup, looks a right little poser, but so are you Max.
